The Reese || Bridesmaid Bouquet
The Reese || Bridesmaid Bouquet
The Reese bridal bouquet includes 12-14 mixed stems of roses, ranunculus, sweet peas, spray roses, larkspur and tweedia designed in a hand-tied style, and is wrapped with silk ribbon. Color story includes shades of white, cream and light blue accents.
Your order must be confirmed at least 14 days prior to your event date to give our team ample time to order blooms and vessels for your event. Alternately, all cancellations must be made no less than 14 days prior to your event date. Cancellations made prior to the 14 day cut off will receive a full refund, minus a $50 cancellation fee. Orders cancelled less than 14 days prior to the event date will be non-refundable.
Order Pickup will be available in the Ines & Marie Studio (22515 Telegraph Rd, Southfield MI 48033). Delivery fees will be estimated based on size of order and delivery location/distance from our studio.
For additional information about the Le Petit process and policies, please head the link below and refer to the ‘Important details’ section; About Le Petit
Your order must be confirmed at least 14 days prior to your event date to give our team ample time to order blooms and vessels for your event. Alternately, all cancellations must be made no less than 14 days prior to your event date. Cancellations made prior to the 14 day cut off will receive a full refund, minus a $50 cancellation fee. Orders cancelled less than 14 days prior to the event date will be non-refundable.
Order Pickup will be available in the Ines & Marie Studio (22515 Telegraph Rd, Southfield MI 48033). Delivery fees will be estimated based on size of order and delivery location/distance from our studio.
For additional information about the Le Petit process and policies, please head the link below and refer to the ‘Important details’ section; About Le Petit